
With our roots firmly based in the agricultural heartland, Terracon’s in-depth knowledge of agri-business allows us to provide industry specific solutions in the areas of geotechnical evaluation, environmental consulting, construction materials, and facilities engineering services.
Terracon has earned long-term professional relationships with industry leaders such as Agriliance LLC, Cenex/Harvest States, Helena Chemical Company, Murphy Family Farms, Seaboard Farms, United Agri Products, Terra Industries and numerous agricultural cooperatives across the country. Our local offices allow us to be cost-effective working on individual sites, while our geographic coverage provides clients the engineering expertise and resources for multi-site services.
Terracon’s agricultural clients typically represent three primary agri-business categories, including livestock production, grain storage and processing, and agricultural chemical storage and handling facilities.
Our professionals understand what is at stake in selecting your facility location. Whether a vacant site or a built structure, our experts can identify potential risks and accelerate preliminary design minimizing costs in purchasing, building, or renovating a facility. We can help you meet specific environmental regulatory requirements so you are operating in compliance and daily operations are uninterrupted.
Terracon provides a wide range of environmental services for the agricultural chemical industry. Historical use of fertilizers and pesticides has impacted soil and groundwater at many agronomy centers, bulk storage facilities, and manufacturing facilities around the country. Terracon has considerable experience with soil and groundwater contamination investigations and remediation on impacted sites, and working with clients to find innovative solutions.
Site Assessments and Evaluations
Corrective Action/Remediation
Regulatory Compliance
Industrial Hygiene
Terracon’s environmental services for grain storage and processing facilities include environmental site assessments for acquisitions, site investigations to determine soil and groundwater impact from previous operations, remediation of impacted soil and groundwater, regulatory plans and permits for new and existing facilities, and industrial hygiene services related to worker health and safety.
Historical use of grain fumigants including carbon tetrachloride and ethylene dibromide (EDB) has impacted soil and groundwater at many grain facilities around the country. Terracon has considerable experience cleaning up impacted elevator sites and working with clients to find cost-effective solutions for soil contamination testing and groundwater monitoring and remediation.
Site Investigations and Evaluations
Corrective Action/Remediation
Regulatory Compliance
Industrial Hygiene
Terracon provides environmental consulting services to dairies, calf farms, beef cattle feedyards, and swine production facilities. We provide services that range from site evaluations to complete facility design and construction documents for new livestock facilities. We can also assist clients with existing facilities by providing property condition assessments and developing plans for renovation and expansion.
More than 175 offices from coast to coast.