The big picture
Responsiveness and proactive communication are essential to success during construction of your project. Terracon’s materials consultants are constantly looking ahead. We’re evaluating materials testing and observation data and identifying trends in performance to help you resolve issues or challenges quickly – or avoid them altogether – to keep your project moving forward efficiently, on schedule and on budget and, we partner with you to monitor quality from a geotechnical perspective as well as materials, so your structure is built just as designed.
To facilitate effective, swift decision-making throughout construction, we continually innovate how we collect, analyze, and report your testing, observation, and inspection data. Our TARGETID platform places you at the forefront of seamless, real-time materials information delivery, combining mobile and GIS technologies allowing you to better visualize and understand your testing results as the data is gathered – even for the largest-scale projects. By partnering with Terracon, you benefit from integrated, multi-discipline monitoring, administration, and oversight that drive efficiency, quality, and value of your built facility.