
Terracon’s Billings office was opened in 1994 and has grown to include a full-time staff of 18 professionals and technicians with a seasonal staff of 2-5 additional technicians. Our staff includes registered professional engineers, a licensed engineering geologist, and environmental scientists, all of whom have a long history of local experience. Additionally, we are supported by more than 100 additional geotechnical and environmental professionals in our Rocky Mountain Division which includes offices in Great Falls, Kalispell, and Bozeman, Montana; Casper, Cheyenne and Rock Springs, Wyoming; and Fort Collins and Greeley, Colorado. The Billings office also includes a high torque CME-55 drill rig that allows us to perform all geotechnical and environmental drilling in-house.

2110 Overland Ave Billings, MT 59102-6440
Phone: 406-656-3072
Fax: (406) 656-3578

Terracon Billings Office


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